Applications to Find Out Who Blocked You

Browsing social media can be a complicated experience, especially when you realize that you can no longer view a friend's profile or receive their messages. Being blocked by someone on platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook or Instagram can be disconcerting, leaving many people curious to know who the culprits behind the blocking are. Fortunately, technology is here to help, with a variety of apps available to solve the mystery of who blocked you. In this article, we will explore some of these apps available around the world, allowing you to find out who has decided to cut off contact on social media.

Who Deleted Me

Who Deleted Me is an application designed to help users track changes to their Facebook friends list. It allows you to see who blocked you, who unfriended you, or who deactivated your account. Additionally, the app keeps a historical record of changes to your friends list, allowing you to keep track of who has joined and who has left over time.

With its simple interface and useful features, Who Deleted Me is a valuable tool for anyone who wants to better understand their social media connections. The app is available for free download on iOS and Android devices worldwide.


Unfollowers & Ghost Followers

Unfollowers & Ghost Followers is a multifunctional app that allows you to see who unfollowed you on Instagram, as well as who blocked you. It offers detailed insights into your follower list, including who interacts with your posts and who is no longer interested in your content. Additionally, the app offers tools to manage your account, such as removing ghost followers and identifying fake profiles.


With its range of features and comprehensive analytics, Unfollowers & Ghost Followers is a popular choice among Instagram users who want to better understand their follower base. The app is available for free download on iOS and Android devices worldwide.


WhatsRemoved+ is an application developed specifically for WhatsApp, allowing you to view deleted messages and find out who blocked you. It monitors WhatsApp notifications and records all messages that have been deleted by senders. Additionally, the app keeps track of changes to your chat history, letting you know if someone has blocked you or removed your messages.


With its unique functionality and message monitoring features, WhatsRemoved+ is a valuable tool for anyone who wants to maintain control over their WhatsApp communication. The app is available for free download on Android devices worldwide.


FollowMeter is a follower analytics app that offers insights into your Instagram follower base. It allows you to see who unfollowed you, who blocked you and who no longer interacts with your posts. Additionally, the app offers detailed statistics on your account growth, including the number of new followers and average engagement per post.

With its intuitive interface and comprehensive analytics, FollowMeter is a popular choice among Instagram users who want to better understand their audience and grow their presence on the platform. The app is available for free download on iOS and Android devices worldwide.

These apps offer a variety of ways to find out who blocked or removed you from social media. By using them, you can gain more insights into your online connections and better understand the dynamics of your social networks. However, always remember to use these apps responsibly and respect the privacy of other users. With these tools at your fingertips, you can solve the mystery of who blocked you and continue browsing social media with confidence.

Vinicius is a technology lover who loves writing, downloading, testing different gadgets, applications and other things related to the mobile and technological world.